Weight loss Program
In your initial evaluation, you will receive an extensive medical examination by Dr. Allison Haughton-Green or one of her colleagues here at the center. It will include a detailed physical, a complete metabolic laboratory panel and an EKG.
Additionally, you will receive an individualized and concise regiment of nutritional supplements and moderate exercise.
Overview of our Weight Loss
& Metabolic Program
Step 1: Aggressive Weight Loss
What Happens During the Initial Consultation?
Weight, Body Fat Percentage, Blood Pressure and Heart Rate are measured.
Laboratory Tests are ordered to ensure that you do not have any underlying disease causing your weight problem.
Electrocardiogram (EKG) performed to screen for arrhythmia and any other heart conditions.
Injection of amino acids minerals and vitamins that enhance your overall results. Hormone Injections Are Not Administered in Our Program!
A comprehensive physical examination is performed by the physician.
Your supplements are prescribed. Please note that our nutritional plan utilizes a natural stomach filler made of cellulose as the first line modality to decrease your hunger.
What Happens During the Weekly Office Visit?
Weight, Body Fat Percentage and Blood Pressure are measured
Weekly Booster Injection is administered
Nutritional Counseling

Why are Weekly Visits Required?
Weekly visits are required to ensure that you do not have protein wasting (muscle breakdown) or dehydration. COMPLIANCE IS CRUCIAL!
It allows us to become your accountability partner.
So What Do I Eat and Drink?
During the first step, you will be given a nutritional plan of recommended foods. The plan will be guide for your portions so you can learn to control what you put in your body.
No Special Foods or Drinks to Order
No Points to Count
No Liquid Diets
You Buy Regular Foods from Regular Supermarkets – It’s That Simple!
Step 2: Education
Congratulations are now in order!
You have reached your target weight and body fat percentage. You feel and look great! Everyone loves their new and improved physique, sporting a flatter abdomen and a leaner, stronger body overall. Now you must go shopping for a new wardrobe.
This period is crucial to prevent any weight gain and consists of:
Continued monitoring and supervision
Gradual weaning of supplements
Gradual introduction of an increased variety of foods
We will provide you with Education, Guidance, Support on:
Portion control/size of servings
Relationship of a balanced diet to optimal wellness/well-being
The importance of exercise 60 minutes 3-4 times/week
Addressing any lifestyle issues with strategies to ensure successful weight maintenance

Step 3: Permanent Lifestyle Change

It’s time again to celebrate with you for a job well done!
It is an exhilarating moment in your life: you have achieved your weight loss goals. You are empowered because you know that you have reached the place of “optimum wellness” where your mind is alert and exquisitely focused. Your body has renewed energy, the aches and pains that ravaged your body are gone. Many are cured of diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, acid reflux, fatty liver, depression, infertility, and the list goes on and on. Lastly, you can look forward toward the future with a great job, knowing that food cravings are a thing of the past. You control your food choices. Food cravings no longer control you.
Support strategies necessary to ensure:
Permanent weight loss specific to the individual’s lifestyle
Addressing issues that help to avoid:
Repeating past failures
Regression to old eating habits
Gaining back weight that was lost
Our weight maintenance program provides:
A quick start to reach your weight loss goal
A nutritional program based on sound Bariatric Principles (weight loss principles)
A successful, safe and simple journey to optimal wellness and well-being!