About Dr. Allison Haughton-Green

90-day Results

Medical Licensure


  • Pediatric Residency Program, Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children, Orlando Health, Orlando, FL.

  • Doctorate of Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia

  • Bachelor of Science in Microbiology, Howard University, Washington, D.C., Summa Cum Laude

Board Certifications

  • American Board of Pediatrics


  • 2011 - Present - Obesity Action Coalition

  • 2009 - Present - American Society of Bariatric Physicians

  • 1996 - Present - American Academy of Pediatrics

  • 1992 - Present - American Medical Association

  • 1999 - Present - Florida Medical Association

  • 1994 - Present - Association of Black Cardiologist

  • 1999 - Present - Central Florida Medical Society

  • 1999 - Present - Orange County Medical Society

  • 1999 - Present - Central Florida Medical Affiliates

  • 1996 - Present - Emory University School of Medicine Alumni

  • 1992 - Present - Howard University Alumni

  • 1992 -1998 - Student National Medical Association

  • 1987-1991 - Caribbean Student Association, Howard University

Physician, Heal Thyself …

Hi! My name is Allison Haughton-Green MD. FAAP, a board-certified physician who practices functional weight loss medicine (Clinical Bariatrics) in Orlando, Florida.

I have struggled with my weight since my early twenties. For years, I tried to solve my weight problem the way I was taught to in medical school—eat less, exercise more. So I faithfully exercised 6 hours a week, followed a healthy diet, and made sure not to eat too late.

Despite my efforts, I received disheartening news every time I went to my annual physical. My weight kept going up and my belly fat was considerable— bad enough that a patient asked me if I was pregnant (I wasn’t).

My doctors diagnosed me with pre-diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, polycystic ovarian syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, and gastroesophageal reflux. On top of that, I also suffered from chronic migraines, anxiety, trouble sleeping, and struggled with infertility, Every year I went to the doctor, I was prescribed more and more medications.

I had resigned myself to the fact that I would have to live my life sick, overweight, depressed, and in constant pain. There I was telling my overweight patients that they needed to do what I couldn’t do, and I felt like a hypocrite.

Thankfully, in 2008, I was introduced to the work of Dr. Barry Sears. His clinical research on insulin and its role in obesity changed my life forever. I learned that my high body fat was not caused by caloric excess but by a hormonal issue known as INSULIN RESISTANCE.

Insulinresistance prevents cells from properly absorbing carbohydrates andsugar. I cannot tell you how relieved I was to finally have an answer asto why my body didn’t behave as expected, despite my calorie deficit.Not only that, but I finally understood that my struggles with my weightwere not my fault. Insulin resistance is a genetic condition, in mycase inherited from both of my parents. This was the real cause of myobesity and disease.
Inorder to treat my insulin resistance, I embarked on a 90-day weightloss program designed just for me. Just three months later, I had lost awhopping 80 lbs of water and fat, went from size 14 to size 2, and allof my diseases went into remission.

I felt young again and was amazed bymy renewed energy, stamina, mental clarity, and focus. Overcomingmy 30+ year struggle with my weight was a victory! I was finally freedfrom the invisible burdens of shame, blame, and pain. I had a level ofjoy I had not felt for decades. It wasn’t just my body that feltlighter. My soul felt lighter too!

Doctorin Latin means “to teach”. God led me to my true calling— teaching andministering at my practice, the Orlando Institute of Weight Management. Ilearned to heal myself, and I can teach you to use food as medicine toheal yourself, too.

Itis my life’s work to help my Orlando Institute family understand thattheir struggles are not their fault. It is my joy and heart’s desire toeducate, uplift, inspire, and motivate those who struggle with beingoverweight and/or have a disease.

Excessfat causes cellular inflammation, which in turn promotes disease. Manyof those diseases consider, hindering weight loss even further. Evenworse, they cause physical cravings for carbs and sugar. Life does nothave to be like this.

Asa functional physician, my role is to create livable, easy-to-followindividualized programs for my patients in order to help them achievebetter health. I want to help you experience the freedom that comes fromreleasing the physical and emotional burden of carrying extra weight.

Dearfriend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go wellwith you, even as your soul is getting along well” (3 John 2-4 NIV)
This is my prayer for all of my patients, that they enjoy good health and a long and disease-free life.

Struggling with your weight? Don’t give up! I would love to help you.


Today, I am 37 pounds lighter, having gone from a size 12 to a size 2. I am off all medications, diabetes is no longer a threat, I am sleeping well and my last migraine was several years ago. I practice what I preach. I have been blessed with this program in more ways than one. Losing 37 pounds in two and a half months cured me of diabetes and high cholesterol. Alas, I cannot put a price tag on my health.

We are all living longer, but people are plagued by chronic diseases and decrease quality of life and overall satisfaction. I wish for you what I desire for myself … to live a long, healthy life FREE from all disease. I am determined to be of service and assistance in helping people to Eat Right, Cure Disease, Feel Great … It’s just that Simple!

Warm Regards,

Allison L. Haughton-Green, M.D., FAAP

My Mission is to Prevent and Control Disease

with Nutrition and Weight Loss.

My approach is a simple, medically-proven program specifically structured to meet your individual weight loss goals. If you are a busy mom, business owner, teacher, executive – however busy you are – you can do this! You will lose weight, improve your health and get your energy levels up, so you can make it through those busy days.

Today, I am 50 lbs. lighter. I am off of all of my medications and my program has cured me of all of my diseases. I practice what I preach and have committed my life to helping others achieve what I have, the gift of optimal health and well being.

I work with you and a diet to help you prevent and control disease using smart foods and natural supplements.

Don't Wait Any Longer...

Set an appointment today and discover how our program can improve your life as it has for so many of our patients.